Gibbons Guide to Wilderness Survival
From Outdoorsman, Adventurer & Anthropological Writer
John Elden Gibbons – Woodfolks.com.
Gibbons Guide to Wilderness Survival by John Elden Gibbons
On Sale Oct 23, 2023
Size 8.5 X 11, Pages 222 pages $29.91
Amazon on Oct 23. I’ll post distributors after I find out, LOL!!
John Elden started his wilderness survival education at the age of 8 by going on
a survival trip in rural Pennsylvania
with his grandfather, Writer, Naturalist, and father of the Modern
wild-crafting movement Euell Gibbons.
This guide delivers the fundamental knowledge you need to survive in the wilderness.
Start learning to use a small amount
of gear, then replace that gear with objects you make in the wild. Survival Kits,
Shelter Craft, Water Gathering, Fire Craft, Campfire Navigation, and more….
From the essentials to the next step of living in the wilderness, this book starts
you on the path to your “Love affair with Nature.”

Campfire Navigation: The Survival Sun Compass, First steps to navigation and staying found

Campfire Navigation: The Survival Sun Compass, First steps to navigation and staying found – now on Kindle. By John Elden Gibbons
Campfire Navigation:
The Survival Sun Compass, First Steps to
Navigation and Staying Found.
Where are you Going? Navigation is simple: Pick a direction,
use a reference, and stay on a course. But how do you make sure you are going in the right
direction? What if you have no compass? Can you use a compass? What if you don’t know the time?
This volume starts the process and teaches you the basics of finding direction.
You will learn techniques for returning to your camp, or navigation with and without instruments.
Includes the Gibbons Hobo Sun Compass Template. This clever design will help you determine time and
direction with one device. Now included in Gibbons Survival Handbook
Personal Survival Kits:: The Soap Box & Shoulder Bag Rig Kindle Edition
by John Elden Gibbons (Author) Format: Kindle Edition
Join Outdoor Expert and Anthropological Writer John Elden Gibbons in this beginner-to-expert camping how-to guide.
You may know John Elden and his wife, Teresa S. Landry, from “Rockbottom Survival Skills: The Podcast.” and his TV show: Rockbottom Survival Skills: The Reality.”
John has made it his mission to introduce 100,000 people to the outdoors and, by so doing, give them the ability to live deliberately. This mission is inspired by the works of Henry David Thoreau, quoted here, “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately.” John’s devotion to nature and wilderness skills was nurtured at the side of his grandfather, Euell T. Gibbons, whose life works and writings have been likened to Thoreau.
Euell wrote, “My love affair with nature is so deep that I am not satisfied with being a mere onlooker or nature tourist. I crave a more real and meaningful relationship. The spicy teas and tasty delicacies I prepare from wild ingredients are the bread and wine in which I have communion and fellowship with nature, and with the Author of that nature.”
This series of Essential Guides is for anyone who wants to
create a self-sufficient lifestyle in “communion and fellowship with nature.”
In this volume:
Personal Survival Kits: The Soap Box & Shoulder Bag Rig
The Essential Facts: From 24 hrs to 14 days.
We have all grown up with the story of Daniel Boone. Boone often said, “I have never been lost. But I sure have been powerful mixed up for a day or two!”
Nothing can replace the knowledge you have and the skill you have acquired. A survival kit can provide items you may need quickly and immediately. A skilled person can make or make do with resources they find in the field. Resources are primarily based on the geography and time of year you may find yourself. If the resources you need are not in the area you find yourself in, you would need to travel to a new place to find them. Travel may not always be possible.
Survival kits can be simple or complex. This guide is about two kits that you can make yourself—packed with valuable tips and tricks.
$1.99 on Kindle
Now included in Gibbons Survival Handbook

An Adirondack Guide’s Cookbook
Perfect Binding
This book has tips and trips for the outdoors and camping. This is a great book for the camp or home use. It is a ?greats? book for large or small groups.
Now a classic and Best Seller. Lots of great recipes and photos. This is a book about the traditional camp cooking with a Stove and Oven.
This is not a trail food guide book. We eat well at camp. The Stories alone are worth the price of the book.
An Adirondack Guide’s Cookbook is an outdoor classic. It has great tips and trips. It is for those who like to cook at hunting camp.
This is not a backpacking book it is great story’s with great food. John is the grandson of the famous author Euell Gibbons.
This video is one of John Elden Gibbons original Books that started his show “Rockbottom Survival Skills: The Podcast.”and his VT show: Rockbottom Survival Skills: The Reality” (release in 2022).
Join Outdoor Expert and Anthropological Writer John Elden Gibbons in this beginner-to-expert camping how-to guide.
John has made it his mission to introduce 100,000 people to the out of doors and, by so doing, give them the ability to live deliberately.
This mission is inspired by the works of Henry David Thoreau quoted here, ? I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately.?
Language – English
254 pages Approx.

Rockbottom Survival Skills

You wake up to: No Shelter,
No water,
No Income and No Food.
Now what?
Answer: Rockbottom Survival Skills
It is not his intention to ever teach someone how to live poor but rather As Henry David Thoreau said to “Live Deliberately.”
John Elden and his family decided to get off the treadmill and live deliberately. Reduce their expenses and increase their income. Create a self-sufficient lifestyle. A life lived on their own terms. The joy of a close relationship with the land. All done without eliminating or scrimping on the joys of life. Time for travel, food, fun and adventure. Safety and Security has been on top of the list for our family and kids.

Black Belt Camping

Join Outdoor Expert and Anthropological Writer John Elden Gibbons in this beginner-to-expert camping how-to guide.
John has made it his mission to introduce 100,000 people to the out of doors and,
by so doing, give them the ability to live deliberately.
This mission is inspired by the works of Henry David Thoreau quoted here,
“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately.”
John’s devotion to nature and wilderness skills was further developed
at the side of his grandfather, Euell T. Gibbons, whose life works and writings
have been likened to Thoreau. Euell wrote. “My love affair with nature is so
deep that I am not satisfied with being a mere onlooker, or nature tourist.
I crave a more real and meaningful relationship. The spicy teas and tasty delicacies
I prepare from wild ingredients are the bread and wine in which
I have communion and fellowship with nature, and with the Author of that nature.”
Topics in the Production:
Needs – Skills List
Cold Mechanisms
8 knots-you need to know
Pack and containers
Water containers
Sleep – gear
The Tarp
Tools Knife
Campfire – Safety
Tools – The Quartet
Starting a Fire
First Aid
Kitchen – With Ration Theory (Don’t miss out
on this)
Car camping
Safety Q and A
Studio: Mustard Sprout Media LLC

Campfire Navigation

This video is one of John Elden Gibbons original Video productionthat started his show “Rockbottom Survival Skills: The Podcast.”and his TV show: Rockbottom Survival Skills: The Reality” (release in 2022).
Join Outdoor Expert and Anthropological Writer John Elden Gibbons in this beginner-to-expert camping how-to guide.
John has made it his mission to introduce 100,000 people to the out of doors and, by so doing, give them the ability to live deliberately. This mission is inspired by the works of Henry David Thoreau quoted here, I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately.
John’s devotion to nature and wilderness skills was further developed at the side of his grandfather, Euell T. Gibbons, whose life works and writings have been likened to Thoreau. Euell wrote. My love affair with nature is so deep that I am not satisfied with being a mere onlooker, or nature tourist. I crave a more real and meaningful relationship. The spicy teas and tasty delicacies I prepare from wild ingredients are the bread and wine in which I have communion and fellowship with nature, and with the Author of that nature.
Coming soon to On Demand Outlets.
Originally Designed for Group and Homeschool Training. Awesome for the home learner.
Campfire Navigation: With John Elden GibbonsFrom Map & Compass to the Use of Dead Reckoning and Celestial Navigation.
Topics in this production:
Primitive. Modern. Celestial. Backpacking, Boating, Map & Compass
Minimum Equipment Required
Step by Step Guide
Studio: Mustard Sprout Media LLC

Back Country Cooking: Grub for the Wilderness Camp

This video is one of John Elden Gibbons original Video production that started his show “Rockbottom Survival Skills: The Podcast.” and his VT show: Rockbottom Survival Skills: The Reality” (release in 2022).
Join Outdoor Expert and Anthropological Writer John Elden Gibbons in this beginner-to-expert camping how-to guide.
John has made it his mission to introduce 100,000 people to the out of doors and, by so doing, give them the ability to live deliberately. This mission is inspired by the works of Henry David Thoreau quoted here, “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately.”
John’s devotion to nature and wilderness skills was further developed at the side of his grandfather, Euell T. Gibbons, whose life works and writings have been likened to Thoreau. Euell wrote. “My love affair with nature is so deep that I am not satisfied with being a mere onlooker or nature tourist. I crave a more real and meaningful relationship. The spicy teas and tasty delicacies I prepare from wild ingredients are the bread and wine in which I have communion and fellowship with nature, and with the Author of that nature.”
Topics in this production:
Food List
Dutch Oven
Campfire Grub
Ration Theory
Backpack Food
Sour Dough
Camp Cooking
The Modern Chuckwagon
The Outdoor Kitchen – Chuck Box
Safety and Trace Free
Outdoor Cooking In The Old StyleFrom Camp & Backpack to Chuckwagon
Minimum Equipment Required
Step by Step Guide
They were originally designed for Group and Homeschool Training. Awesome for the home learner.
Studio: Mustard Sprout Media LLC

Canoe Camp Cooking
By John Elden Gibbons

Meals will make or break your trip. Canoe Camp Cooking is an excellent guide and cookbook for the outdoor person. You will learn tips and tricks as well as get a complete menu planning guide. Let Wilderness guide John Elden Gibbons share his 40 + years of guiding and experience in the out-of-doors with you.
Canoe Camp Cooking will appeal to the angler, RVer, car camper, sailor, powerboater, and, of course, the canoe enthusiast! Canoe Camp Cooking is a book about eating well outdoors. Tested and great food. Why settle for those pricey freeze-dried meals when top end meals are within your reach? Get a host of meal plans, tips and tricks, and excellent cooking ideas. Sumptuous meals are easy to prepare in the hardest of times. By using available pantry items, meals become tasty and straightforward. Let’s face it. If you can eat with what you have on hand, life looks a lot better, even in hard times. 104 Pages, 8.5″ X 5.5″ approx.,

Magnetic Personal Development

Anthropological writer. John Elden brings you Magnetic Personal Development John Elden gibbons – Adventurer, Author, Videographer and Development. Years of working with youth groups, Offenders, and his own personal struggles, training and education have resulted in this work dedicated to helping others. If you struggle with Finding work, need to repair or re-start your life, this book will help you achieve those first steps. The process is complex and john breaks it down into workshops with exercises and activities to help you every step of the way. He also tells you what you need to know to get moving in the right direction.
- Language : English
- Paperback : 220 pages
- ISBN-10 : 1539308162
- ISBN-13 : 978-1539308164

An Outdoorsman Talks with God

I woke to a satellite phone call in the Adirondack woods.
I knew it was not going to be good news. The WCA was holding the phone.
I just looked up from my sleeping bag and said,
“My father just died?”
“I’m sorry, man,” came the response.
My father, a retired Air Force Tstg., had served several tours in Vietnam and Thailand,
TDYs into Nha Trang from the Philippines in the 60’s supporting OV-1 aircraft. Later Air America Trips departing from NKP and Phuket Thailand. Only God know what he was doing there. He had survived the Tet offensive while in Saigon. He had seen the beginning of the war to the end. It took 30 years, but Vietnam and agent orange had finally killed him.
At 14, I had given my life to Christ. I knew the words and I knew my Bible. I prayed and I tried.
I failed over and again in God’s plan. Sure, I had plenty of things and people in my life.
But still, I failed to hear and I was failing to live up to God’s plan.
It wasn’t until much, much later on that mountain when I was broken and exhausted – it was at that moment that I felt God’s power and learned how to listen. I wish I could tell you that it turned my life around immediately.
But that came even later…
Audio Book Written and Narrated by John Elden Gibbons
Included with Rockbottom Survival Skills

First Longhunter

If you Love a “Swashbuckling Adventure,” this is the book for you. “First Longhunter Delivers…” John Elden, The grandson of Euell Gibbons, brings you the story of 17-year-old Conrad Decker. Long hunter. This is the story of 1750 and the Adventure Excitement Romance of the new world. John brings you an outdoor adventure in the swashbuckling style of bygone writers…. This is not the last of the Mohican’s but a world of experience. A Longhunter or long hunter (both are correct) was a 1700s explorer and hunter who made expeditions into the American frontier wilderness for as much as six months at a time. “The Long Hunter was peculiar to Southwest Virginia. Most long hunts started in the Holston River Valley near Chilhowie, Virginia.” The hunters came from there and the adjacent valley of the Clinch River. They were landowners or residents. The parties of two or three men usually started their hunts in October. The area they hunted is now Kentucky, and later they would move into the Ohio Valley. They would also venture into the Carolina’s.
- Language : English
- Paperback : 200 pages
- ISBN-10 : 1537438026
- ISBN-13 : 978-1537438023
- Item Weight : 9.8 ounces
- Dimensions : 6 x 0.46 x 9 inches

Dutch Oven Cooking
with John Elden Gibbons
The Dutch oven is the original slow cooker, bread oven, colonial
fireplace, and camp cooker. It has been called the “World’s Greatest Pot.”
Both the first-timer and the old hand will love this book. No wilderness, outdoor,
or backyard cooking library is complete without this book. No BBQ or Chuckwagon can
call themselves genuine without a Dutch oven dish in the chow line.
Choose the Right Dutch Oven
Proper Care of Your Dutch Oven
Seasoning a Dutch Oven
Campfire Dutch Oven Cooking
Coal Dutch Oven Cooking
Camp Stove Dutch Oven Cooking
Bread and Biscuit Making
Frying, Braising, and Baking
Pies and Cakes
Stews and Soups
One-Pot Breakfast
One-Pot Dinners
Beans and More
A “Ton” of recipes
The Complete How-to
Coming in 2022

Cook, Camp & Carry On
With John Elden Gibbons

Recipes from the Woodfolks. Com in one place and one great cookbook.
John Elden includes his own brand of stories and articles in this great volume.
Comb binding
$21.95 Summer 2022