Join us for the “Rockbottom Survival Skills” Podcast
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Homesteading, Wilderness Survival, Disaster Recovery, Starting Over, Income, Wealth, FIRE Life Style, Off Grid, Relationships, FaithJoin us on this adventure we call life, as we choose to live deliberately.
I have made it my mission to introduce 100,000 people to the out of doors. It is my greatest hope that by showing you the way, I can give back to all those to whom I owe so much of my knowledge and help to set anyone on the road to self-sufficient living. Besides living the dream with over two decades as an NYS licensed guide, John Gibbons is the grandson of author, naturalist, and TV personality Euell Gibbons.
Yes, John Elden and his wife Teresa are full-time homesteaders. John Elden is an expert in outdoor, primitive, and wild food skills. As a TV Personality, John Elden is featured in his own Reality Show. Are you looking for: Better Work-Life Balance. …Less Commute Stress. …Location Independence. …Improved Inclusivity. …Money Savings. …Positive Environmental Impact. …Impact on Sustainability. …It all starts by learning to help yourself and your family.
The out-of-doors is open to all in the USA. If you live in a city or on a farm, you have the exact same needs: Shelter, Water, Food, Power, Safety, Security, Income, and Love. It may seem that life is overwhelming, and hope is fleeting. I assure you your best days can be before you.-John Elden Gibbons You can find us at

The LIST Is Out from the “FEEDSPOT“ and We are on it!
[ Rockbottom Survival Skills is now
“In The “GAME”]
Best 20 Survival Podcasts
Jan 07, 2022⋅About this list
The best Survival podcasts from thousands of podcasts on the web ranked by traffic, social media followers, domain authority & freshness.
Survival Podcasts
1. The Survival Podcast
2. The Survival Show
3. The Survivalist Prepper Podcast
4. Sarah Bragg
5. Survival and Basic Badass Podcast
6. FieldCraft Survival
7. Financial Survival Network
8. Rockbottom Survival Skills Podcast
Rockbottom Survival Skills Podcast: Homesteading, Wilderness Survival, Disaster Recovery, Starting Over, Income, Wealth,
FIRE Life Style, Off Grid, Relationships, FaithJ John Elden Gibbons and Teresa S. Landry introduce themselves and talk about their experiences of living deliberately, creating a freedom lifestyle, building a homestead, and living off-grid. John and Teresa discuss the aspects of ‘back to the earth’ living that they want to maintain as they move forward and the aspects they want to move beyond and never have to deal with again.
9. How to Survive the End of the World
10. In The Rabbit Hole Urban Survival
11. Canadian Outdoor Survival Podcast

Black Belt Camping, Rock Bottom Survival Skills – Ep 6 – Sn1 Welcome to Rockbottom Survival Skills – Podcast John Elden Gibbons and Teresa S. Landry Join us on Rockbottom Survival Skills – Podcast, as we talk about John’s early life of Adventure and outdoor living. John talks about getting a “Black Belt” in outdoor skills. The steps that you need to fill your training in all areas from Camping to Bushcraft to Primitive skills. This program is from the Vault. John put this audio together several years ago. More timely now than ever. If you want to train your family in outdoor skills, this is a list of the steps. Music Licensed to Teresa S. Landry – Zapsplat Other music licensed to John Gibbons
In this Special Edition of Rockbottom Survival Skills, John and Teresa take you back to the beginning and the inspiration for this program. We talk about the book RBSS or Rockbottom Survival Skills and what it can do for you. Our program opens on New Years (2022) day. John Elden Gibbons and Teresa S. LandrySHOW LESS

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John Elden Gibbons and Teresa S. Landry introduce themselves and talk about their experiences of living deliberately, creating a freedom lifestyle, building a homestead, and living off-grid. This is about the good, the bad, and the ugly that goes along with independent living, and a journey that is filled with ups and downs. Throughout this podcast – and future episodes – John and Teresa discuss the aspects of “back to the earth” living that they want to maintain as they move forward and the aspects they want to move beyond and never have to deal with again. This is about deliberately building the ideal life and acknowledging that some overly-romanticized notions of the simple life are not feasible in modern society. Also discussed will be the challenges of earning a living while living “simple,” and the plain truth that living simple is very time-consuming.

John Elden Gibbons and Teresa S. Landry Continue to introduce themselves and talk about their experiences of living deliberately, creating a freedom lifestyle, building a homestead, and living off-grid. Homeschooling and a pandemic change the way life is lived. This is about the good, the bad, and the ugly that goes along with independent living, and a journey that is filled with ups and downs.
Rockbottom Survival Skills: podcast Ep 3
In this episode John Elden Gibbons and Teresa S. Landry talk about Bug out vs Dig in. When does a home stop being a place of relative safety, and what can you do to prepare your space for living during outages and loss of services? Surviving isn’t always about trekking into the woods alone, sometimes you have to take care of a family with shelter stripped of modern conveniences. What can you do?
John Elden Gibbons walks you through: The 12 Essentials in every pack and the 5 Skills that matter. EP4 – SN1. Teresa is off on a product launch and John Elden is taking the wheel. In this episode: the items you need in your pack, working with no gear, the skills you need to master, and the categories of survival items everyone should understand.
“Rockbottom Survival Skills: The Book” gets a brief introduction, and general talk about Quail vs Chickens,
Upcoming episodes in the works: The movable pantry, outdoor cooking, Sarge the Adventure Dog, off-grid Income, all about chickens, the lowdown on quail, adding rabbits to the mix, container gardening on steroids, food forest, and helpful herbs.
Rockbottom Survival: Podcast
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