The Poor Persons Meal – Recipe
In a skillet: Fry up potatoes and onions.
Add hot dogs. Add Water to steam with a cover on the skillet.
When the potatoes are soft (test with a fork),
Finaly add ketchup. Thin with water as needed.

This dish was common in the depression. Hot dogs became a staple.
In C.W. Stones’ book, the system that never fails, One of Stones’
salesmen would pay five Cents for a hot dog and a glass of milk.
This was his lunch every day.
If you want a great book about sales, read Stones book,
The System That Never Fails. I like to listen to books.
On Audio and find a lot on YouTube for free. If you.
want to get a CD of a book or the book itself, start
at your local library.
Most libraries are part of a system that exchanges books.
If the local library does not have a book or CD or DVD, then they may be able to order one from another library in the system. You may have to wait for the item but it will get sent to the library for free!
Better yet, ask if they have 1) Internet Wi-Fi or a Computer 2) A player for the
Media you are checking out. Many a library has equipment for loan or use in the.
One of Stone’s greatest salesman (Combined Life Insurance) was Og Mandino.
His book, The Greatest Salesman in The World, is well worth a read.